Category Archives: General

I Adopted…a Soldier

I’ve been working social media before social media was given a name…or even an idea. I even designed websites via a WebTv. Yes, you read that correctly. However, once you realize that you have a platform, you use it.  I use … Continue reading

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Communication is Fundamental

There’s a reason for this post…just keep reading: When I was younger I would instantly react to something with emotion. I wouldn’t take the time to “think it through”, at all. I just reacted with no concern for consequence. The … Continue reading

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It’s Not About You

I have a love/hate relationship with my mind. It tends to wander off into some sort of playground where it toys with things going on in my life, or around me, and evolves into a “Deep Thoughts” by Jack Handy … Continue reading

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When I was a teenager going through some troubling times a friend of mine handed me a copy of this as a reminder that life is full of unexpected surprises amidst all of the chaos. I hung this up in … Continue reading

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To Those Who Don’t “Get it” — Memorial Day

I posted this on my personal Facebook page on Friday as a reminder for people to remember what Memorial Day is all about:   Post by Jennifer Jerome. It was suppose to be a simple reminder and everyone on my … Continue reading

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